
Red Skin Driver - Bodhi Kenyon

友人のBodhi Kenyon から届いた音楽

Red Skin Driver from Bodhi Kenyon on Vimeo.
この曲は 心のままに生きること 正直で透明で100%自分らしくいることを歌った曲
(ライブで聴けるかもしれない With or Without you とのメドレーもおすすめです)
ロックなメロディーラインと 深い内容の歌詞が彼の音楽の特徴です

Bodhi Kenyon へのメッセージやコメント メーリングリストへの参加ご希望の方はこちらまでご連絡ください(英語または日本語)

Tear off your clothes
Reveal your inner-sense
Wipe off your face full of arrogance 
Send bits of cash to the less fortunate 
Be all you can and live a simple plan
Learn all your Love from your enemies
Reveal your idiosyncrasies
Realize there are no coincidences 
Polish your plan from life’s incidences

Put on your red skin driver, put on your equalizer
Put on your red skin driver, and I’ll do it just the same

Turn off the tapes that have run for years 
Rip them all out so they can’t inter-fear
Refrain from strain that’ll cause you pain
Release the notion that someone’s to blame

Lift everyone: child, woman, man
If they fall again lend a Loving hand
Tear down your walls full of prejudice
Open your heart, leave your self defence-less

Put on your red skin driver, put on your equalizer
Put on your red skin driver, and I’ll do it just the same 

Take off your white skin 
Take off your black skin 
Take off your yellow skin
Take off your brown skin
Put on your red skin driver 
I'll do it just the same

Take off your black skin
Take off your white skin
Take off your thick skin
Take off your fake skin
Put on your red skin driver
I’ll do it just the same 
I'll do it just the same

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